Fitness Goals

WEIGHT LOSS GOAL STEPS TAKEN - April 15-21 Goal: 105,000 Steps

Saturday, April 14, 2007

This is how I feel today. Although I stuck to my diet I guess its just because I didn't go to the gym yet. Took the dogs for a walk but guess its just one of those days. Weekends are tough for me cause i'm used to working so much that when i'm not I don't know what to do with myself. Anyway I'm going to find something to do even if it's wrong.

1 comment:

Rob Tucker said...

You walked the dogs today, so that still counts. The trick is to just elevate the heart rate. Go out for a quick walk/jog - or just relax and enjoy your hard work this week.

Besides, Monday comes quick. Just keep the diet going strong, and I'll put you through hell on Monday.