Fitness Goals

WEIGHT LOSS GOAL STEPS TAKEN - April 15-21 Goal: 105,000 Steps

Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well my weight loss is staying on the even keel. I know that I can do better on the eating part but really have lost a little bit of fire. I do really good all day and then I go a blow it at dinner. The answer to my problem is easy and I know how to solve it. Maybe I should stick my finger in a light socket you know a little shock treament lol :) Anyway an amazing thing happened to me friday night. I was on stage with kenny chesneys band at ford field during there sound check. Pretty frickin amazing. All those guitars were really making me drool. The only thing I like better than food is a whole rack full of guitars. Anyway I'm gonna keep my goals in sight and stay a little more active with all these blogs and I'm gonna let you guys keep me motivated as you oh so often do!!!!!

Monday, August 13, 2007

I've discovered all these new 100 calorie snack packs in the grociery store. Other that the plain popcorn anything good for you even though it is only 100 calories. I;m sure it's just another marketing skeem to think we are eating healthy when quite frankly we are eating the same crap only smaller portions. Anyway I better get to bed before I can't get up in the morning and tuck the destroyer kills me.

Friday, August 3, 2007

I'm Surrounded

Well Another day gone and went and i missed the gym again today. Can't seem to get out of the bed in the morning. Worked 30 hours in the heat the last two days and I just can't get out of bed lateley. Everybody wants that ac running so no rest for me. I know I probably sweat of the lbs during the day cause frankly who wants to eat when its 96 degrees outside. Some fruit and water usually gets me through but damn am I hungry when I get home around 11:00 pm. I know its not good to eat that late but just fruit and water isn't good for me either. My other problem (not really a problem mostly a blessing) is my wife is about 5 months pregnant and she ain't cravin fruit and yogurt. If you've been pregnant I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. But I refuse to get pregnant also. But oh the temptation. I AM SURROUNDED. anyway two blogs in a row I am on fire. (lol)
I hope everyone has a good weekend talk to you monday..

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Back in the race

Well it feels pretty damn good to be back. I can't believe how much I missed reading all yoo guys blogs. Makes me forget where I get all my motivation from. Although I hit the gym with rob as much as humanly possible true life stories really keep you movin. Well I have been the same weight for two friggin months but kinda fell off the strict eating plan but hell atleast I'm still smoke free. I also think that i really hate the computer because I really don,t know how to use it. All you guys post pictures and slogans and get cool designs. All I can do is turn the damn thing on. But anyway gonna start hitting the eating right thing hard core and ge down to my goal weight. Before I left for vacation I weighed in at 241. Today 247. My fault. Well anyway its good to be back and I will do my best to stay in tune and be a productive part of this party. Good Day All!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

This is great

Well after a long todo my new computer has arrived and let e tell u what a blessing it really is. Took me about 10 seconds to pull up my e mail page and about five seconds to my blog page YES !!!! Anyway I have a ton of catching up to do so I'll Talk to all tomorrow.